High Blood Pressure Symptoms

I came across this headline and as you can guess I dove straight at it and the story in a nut shell was that a team of surgeons at the London Chest Hospital led by a Professor have carried out a seemingly trivial surgical procedure on 68 year old man which could potentially be the key to serious improvement to the quality of life of high blood pressure sufferers if applied on a wider scale.

This procedure has been hailed as the most exciting development in the field for half a century is believed to work by disrupting signals linked to the disease from the brain thereby keeping the blood pressure down.

The procedure is in the initial testing stages  and it is aimed at helping sufferers come off medication quickly and completely.

Anyway, for now let us keep to making sure we don't come down with the disease in the first place by keeping our High blood pressure knowledge up to date (check earlier posts found below) and for those of us who already have it, the best advice out there and in here is to follow a proven step-by-step plan to get cured without dependence on medication which in itself has side effects which would have to be dealt with alongside the main disease w are trying to treat.

See you in a couple of days when my research uncovers another interesting find.

More details is available here.

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4/5/2018 10:21:27 pm

I had high blood pressure. I tried hashmi ht nil capsule and my blood pressure came down. This product is amazing without side effect.


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